The project was to demolish an existing ‘60’s retired person home that was past is used by date and replace with a modern ‘assisted living’ home of 38 units aimed at the over 55’s. Essentially mobile individuals but entering their twilight years. There is warden prescence during working hours only.
The building provided self-contained flats of one or two bedrooms but with ‘district’ central heating from a common plantroom where usage was monitored and charged by smart meters fitted in each unit. The house had a common meeting area with a small servery that offered opportunity for joint activities along with a launderette and quiet room with a common computer room. A ground floor room was set aside for charging and storage of mobility scooters. A passenger lift was available to upper floors.
The whole was set in extremely pleasant garden surrounds on the end of a quiet cul de sac that offered some private parking, adjacent to a junior school the residents could enjoy (or not!) the sound of childrens laughter at break time. Immediately adjacent was a council allotment where a waiting list for plots was available to join.
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